• +1 519.726.4133
  • info@dandelionmissions.org

Education is the beginning of progress.

In every location we visit, we have the opportunity to present the chance to come to Canada to learn, study, and work and to be able to obtain a college diploma and university degree.  


Evangelist Nicole Barron is an International Recruitment Agent for a well known Canadian College:  St Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology.    

A college or university education in Canada, with our high level of standards, means international students will find gainful employment almost anywhere.  

Obtaining a Student Visa to come to Canada is much easier than trying to just get a Work Visa.  And International Students are permitted to work in Canada during the school semester while they are taking classes. This opens many more doors for people. 

Among other requirements, potential students must have raised their entire first year tuition and enough funds to cover their living expenses in order to be approved for a Student Visa.  But there are opportunities for communities, churches or organizations or private individuals to back a student by sponsoring all or part of the student’s initial expenses.  Then the student can obtain work when they are in Canada and carry a job during the school year to offset and recoup their costs. Many students make enough during the school year to also send some funds back home to help their families. 

St. Clair College is a fantastic school located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, with satellite schools in Chatham and Toronto, Ontario.  

Attending college in Canada is far more affordable than university and transfer agreements between colleges and universities means that students can do most of their education at the college level to obtain a three-year advanced diploma, and then transfer their credits to a university to finish out their education and obtain a university degree.  Essentially, for less expense, the student obtains both a college advanced diploma plus a university degree in the same length of time it would have taken to go just to university alone. 

AND…. colleges in Canada are focused on practical, hands-on learning. This means your education is more practical and usable when you graduate. College grads are far more employable than most university students. And having both a college diploma and a university degree together, means the student will have a MUCH easier time fining gainful employment anywhere else in the world.  

St. Clair College has a number of articulation and pathway agreements with post-secondary institutions in Ontario, Canada and Internationally. Through these agreements, graduates may receive transfer credit for several courses, a full semester or a full year (or more) toward a university degree.

It is our goal to assist as many potential international students to have as many post-secondary options as possible.  This enables them to get exceptional training at a reasonable cost, and then bring those exceptional skills back to their home country to support and advance their community at home. 

Cost per location:

In order to hold an Education Forum, we need to rend a meeting/conference room large enough to accommodate usually about 50 people. 


Typical costs: 

  • meeting room rental  $150-300 (depending on region)
  • photocopies & pens $10-20 total
  • occasional extra service fees  $2 to 5  per attendee
  • water or beverages for attendees  $2 per attendee
  • Sometimes we can save money by holding the meetings in a church or school.

Total cost per location      $360-$660
depending on the location and constraints.  We always try to be very budget conscious. 

Locations we want to hold Education Forums:

Kenya (August 2023)

  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Kiserian, Kenya
  • Busia, Kenya

Tanzania (August 2023)

  • Arusha, Tanzania

Zimbabwe (August 2023)

  • Gweru, Zimbabwe
  • Rutendo, Zimbabwe


Uganda (November 2023)

  • Entebbe, Uganda
  • Kampala, Uganda
  • Mukono, Uganda
  • Jinja, Uganda
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