• +1 519.726.4133
  • info@dandelionmissions.org

Short-Term Mission Trip Opportunities

Which trip is right for you?

(NOTE: BOOKING DEADLINE is generally 4 MONTHS BEFORE trip date
The all-inclusive trips would be best for you if: 
  • you are new to going on mission trips
  • you prefer to have someone else make all the arrangements
  • you are nervous about the process of organizing flights and tourist visas. 
The buy-your-own-flights trips would be best for you if:
  • you are coming from much closer to our destination location and your flights will be significantly cheaper than for those of us flying overseas
  • you are a seasoned traveller and have experience booking flights and applying for tourist visas
  • you have travel points you want to use for purchasing flights, which can save you a lot of money.
Either way, we make the trip as easy and effortless for you as possible.  We organize all the arrangements, with a focus on safety, comfort, fun, inspiration and productivity. 
PLUS…. since we have a buffer built into the price to cover any potential surprises, you have the option of receiving a REFUND of any extra funds left over at the end of the trip, OR you can donate those funds to one of the host churches or ministries that we work with. … it’s totally up to you!   And since we are very careful about budget, we usually have a nice amount left over for you to donate (or keep).  In the end, we want these trips to be a blessing to as many people as possible. 

NOTE:  All team members MUST submit the information shown below before being being considered to travel with Dandelion Missions. 

All-Inclusive Trips

Buy-Your-Own-Flights Economy Trips

Corporate Trips

Before you can be approved to travel with Dandelion Missions:

you must accurately and honestly complete and submit back to us the following documents within the time frame shown on the documents (unless otherwise notified by Nicole Barron or Dandelion Missions). Upon our receipt of these accurately and honestly completed documents from you, and our confirmation that you meet our requirements, you will be booked to fly with us to your chosen destination and joined to the applicable travel team. 


Please add our email to your approved email list so that you do not miss any important notices about your upcoming trip!

1) Police Clearance: 
Since we work with many vulnerable people while on mission, we require every person in our team to submit a recent, valid Police Clearance before being approved to travel with us. 

2) Signed Waiver: 
We do our best to carefully plan all activities and outings to be as safe as possible. But we cannot predict every possible situation. And we are not responsible for team members who take it upon themselves to go off on their own.


3) Medical verification of fitness to travel:
This is pretty self-explanatory. These trips can be quite physically demanding with lots of walking, stair climbing, and carrying your own luggage, and long periods of standing at times. We need to know you are physically able to keep up with us.

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