Nairobi, Kenya (all inclusive) | August 2023

Choose the length of trip in the options below.
Exact number of days fluctuates depending on available flights at the time of booking.

Your all-inclusive trip details are shown below.

* If you select the “PAY DEPOSIT” button, see note below.



Your all-inclusive trip includes:

  • Round trip airfare
  • Tourist visa application submitted
  • All accommodations in the country, staying in safe, guarded, comfortable locations
  • All regular meals and bottled water in the country
  • All transportation in the country
  • Translators and security for public engagements
  • 1 day on Safari
  • Organized tourist activities and planned rest days
  • Training, coaching and packing lists to boost your comfort and confidence level
  • Advice on fundraising


  • PLUS:
    Option to receive a refund of any left-over funds!! or the option to Donate those funds to any of our host churches (or ministries) or their charitable activities (we always have a small buffer factored into the price to cover any surprise expenses on the journey, usually there is a small amount left over)!

Approximate dates: 

for the Two Week Trip:
August 11-24, 2023

Suggested  dates for
One and a Half Week Trip:
August 11-20, 2023 

Suggested dates for
One Week Trip:
August 11-17, 2023 


(*subject to slight change based on flight options available at the time of booking)

Our local host church:   

Shekinah Pentecostal Church
Kiserian, Kenya

If you pay now by Pay Deposit:

* Selecting the “PAY DEPOSIT” button, you will initially be charged $2275 to cover the estimated airfare plus the Tourist Visa Application.  

Remainder can be paid in installments.

Final payment is due ONE (1) MONTH BEFORE departure.

* If flight costs are higher than the estimated $2200 CAD then you will be notified, and you will be billed for the difference in price.  This must be paid prior to departure.

We enjoyed exploring this beautiful, modern mall in Nairobi.


Each trip will encompass a variety of ministry opportunities, based on the giftings and skill sets of the team members.

Most common activities:

  • Conferences, forums, workshops, training sessions
  • Orphanage visits, slum ministry, medical clinics, visiting the elderly
  • Ministering to different groups: children, women, men, teens, etc.
  • Opportunities for hands-on work like construction projects
  • Sightseeing and tourist activities include a 1-day African Safari
  • And adequate rest time to protect your energy.



all team members MUST accurately and honestly complete and submit to us: 

1) Police Clearance: 
Since we work with many vulnerable people while on mission, we require every person in our team to submit a recent, valid Police Clearance before being approved to travel with us. 

2) Signed Waiver: 
We do our best to carefully plan all activities and outings to be as safe as possible. But we cannot predict every possible situation. And we are not responsible for team members who take it upon themselves to go off on their own.

3) Medical verification of fitness to travel
This is pretty self-explanatory. These trips can be quite physically demanding with lots of walking, stair climbing, and carrying your own luggage, and long periods of standing at times. We need to know you are physically able to keep up with us.

Additional information


2 Weeks – Solo Traveller, 2 Weeks – Per Couple, 1.5 Weeks – Solo Traveller, 1.5 Weeks – Couple, 1 Week – Solo Traveller, 1 Week – Per Couple

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