• +1 519.726.4133
  • info@dandelionmissions.org

Volunteers & Careers:

  • Skilled photographer (females only) needed to accompany Evangelist Nicole Barron on trips to document the trip. 
  • For 1-4 trips per year, ranging from 2-4 wks per trip (flexible)
  • Involves extensive international travel
  • $ – Initially volunteer, eventually compensated
  • Fundraising support for cost of travel provided 
    (ideally, we will raise funds for your trip costs to be covered so your trip will be free or almost free, and eventually as you help build this ministry, we can pay you for your time and talent)
  • Build your photography portfolio in a powerful way by participating in these trips


  • trained, experienced in photography and videography
  • able to maneuver around live performance and speaking events without causing much disruption
  • reliable, thorough, dedicated
  • creative
  • respectful, self-motivated
  • share our Christian faith
  • good at human, story, and landscape photography
  • using your eye for perfect shots, create a compelling story to help others catch the vision and passion that we have at Dandelion Missions so we develop more partnerships which will empower our work.

Looking for:  Female photographer with a passion for missionary work and travel, interested in participating in at least one of several trips per year.   

Evangelist Nicole needs someone reliable, creative, respectful, and good at human, story, and landscape photography, to travel with her on her trips.  Since you will be travelling with Evangelist Nicole, we are only looking for females.

Initially this will be a volunteer position, where we both fundraise to generate funds to cover travel costs, and as donations come in, this can become a compensated role.  

We are aware that multiple trips per year may be too much to manage for some people, so we are open to working with multiple people.  

For more information, please contact:

Ev. Nicole Barron

    • Event Planner / Fundraiser needed to organize and execute profitable events to fund our ministry 
    • Part-time leading to Full-time
    • $ – Initially volunteer, earning commission on corporate sponsorships and advertising, making earning potential only as limited as your drive and ability
    • You will be working in a team with Evangelist Nicole who is also a talented event planner herself, and has worked in sales, advertising, marketing and promotion, and has a B. Comm Honours Degree.  
    • Opportunity to join in overseas mission trips and experience what our vision is about, first hand


    • trained, experienced in sales and event planning
    • able to develop an executable plan, and stay on task and on target
    • able to take our proven method of event organization and maximize it
    • personable, teachable and flexible
    • reliable, thorough, dedicated
    • creative and innovative
    • respectful, self-motivated
    • share our Christian faith
    • good at conveying your vision to others and inspiring them to become invested in it
    • using your talent for big picture thinking, and your ability to itemize the individual tasks necessary to carry out that big picture, and using your time management skills, you will execute a smooth system for running events. And then using your personable nature you will help people to become excited and invested in your vision and come alongside us to make the event a success, thereby, generating profit to power the mission work that we do.


Looking for:  Event Planner / Fundraiser with a passion for the work that we do at Dandelion Missions, and the drive and creativity to coordinate fundraisers for us.   

The work that we do is extremely important, and Ev. Nicole has a massive vision for future programs she plans to develop in Third World Nations.  These programs will help ease the burden and even reduce poverty in these nations. 

And all these projects cost money.  

We need someone who can help us with the efforts to raise funds by organizing financially successful fundraisers that honour who we are and our mission, are fun, and reproducible each year. 

Initially this will be a volunteer position, with the opportunity to earn commission on corporate advertising and sponsorship sales.  But we want you to thrive and prosper also, so our commission structure is generous. Our long-term goal is that this will be a highly rewarding full-time career for someone. 

Ev. Nicole is a talented event planner herself, and has worked in sales, advertising and marketing, and has a Bachelor of Commerce Honours degree. So, you will not be alone in your efforts, but you will be part of a small but mighty team. 

And your work will be SO much more rewarding than in a typical sales or event-planning job. 

For more information, please contact:

Ev. Nicole Barron

    • Corporate Sales Person needed to assist cultivating corporate and governmental partnerships with us
    • Part-time leading to Full-time
    • $ – Initially volunteer, earning commission on general corporate sponsorships (as opposed to event sponsorships), making earning potential only as limited as your drive and ability
    • You will be working in a team with Evangelist Nicole who is also a talented sales person herself, and has worked in ministry creation, event planning, sales, advertising, marketing and promotion, and has a B. Comm Honours Degree.  
    • Opportunity to join in overseas mission trips and experience what our vision is about, first hand


    • trained, experienced in outside sales and negotiation
    • able to develop an executable plan, and stay on task and on target
    • able to operate with respect to our organizational values, beliefs, ministry goals, and mission
    • professional, personable, teachable and flexible
    • reliable, thorough, dedicated
    • creative and innovative
    • respectful, self-motivated
    • share our Christian faith
    • good at conveying your vision to others and inspiring them to become invested in it
    • using your big picture thinking, and ability to grasp the long-term vision of our organization, and your professional yet personable manner, you will help us to cultivate corporate connections which will become long-term arrangements for our ministry.  These partnerships will allow us to develop the resources for training, equipping, mentoring and even fueling of small businesses in Third World Nations so that they can rise up and be productive – helping them to achieve gainful work
    • And all of this helps us to reduce the suffering of and incidence of poverty in these Third World Nations.

Looking for:  Corporate Sales Person with a passion for the work that we do at Dandelion Missions, and the drive and creativity to help us cultivate corporate partnerships for us.   

The work that we do is extremely important, and Ev. Nicole has a massive vision for future programs she plans to develop in Third World Nations. 

Without revealing much in this posting, Ev. Nicole is looking to build a corporately supported backbone from which to develop a massive network of professionals and corporations who share the desire and burden to see the poorest of the poor have a fighting chance to thrive and flourish. 

These programs will help not only ease the burden but will in fact even reduce poverty in these nations. 

This is where you come in. You will be helping us to source, approach and engage corporations who have a heart for what we do, and securing their cooperation and support. 

Initially this will be a volunteer position, with the opportunity to earn commission. 

Ev. Nicole is a talented sales person herself, and has worked in event planning, advertising and marketing, and has a Bachelor of Commerce Honours degree. So, you will not be alone in your efforts, but you will be part of a small but mighty team. 

And your work will be SO much more rewarding than in a typical sales or event-planning job. 

For more information, please contact:

Ev. Nicole Barron

Looking for:  Board Members to serve on the “Dandelion Ministries” Board

After 3 long painful years of being held back by spinal and nerve pain issues, Ev. Nicole is loving getting back to full-time work of building the vision that God gave her. 

Dandelion Ministries (the charitable arm of Dandelion Missions) is in the process to become incorporated, and then to apply to be a Registered Canadian Charity. 

For this process, we need board members. 

We are looking for individuals who bring passion, vision, and skills to the table who believe in the mission and calling that we have at Dandelion Missions.  

Dandelion Ministries will be the charitable part of our work that allows people to donate to our efforts and receive tax deductible receipts for their donations.  It also allows us to apply for grants and other funding to help us with various projects we want to undertake. 

(Dandelion Missions will (for as long as it remains wise) remain a for-profit corporation that will allow us to pay our employees without impacting donations.)

Board meetings will be monthly, and can be virtual.  

If you want more information, or if you love what we do and you want to be a Dandelion too, then please contact:

Ev. Nicole Barron


  • Grant Writer to help research and write grant proposals to help fuel our work
  • Part-time leading to Full-Time
  • $ – Initially volunteer, eventually a paid hourly or percentage based position (negotiable)
  • Opportunity to join in overseas mission trips and experience what our vision is about, first hand
  • familiar with and have had success in grant-writing process
  • able to do online research, develop an executable plan, and stay on task and on target
  • able to operate with respect to our organizational values, beliefs, ministry goals, and mission
  • personable, teachable and flexible
  • reliable, thorough, dedicated
  • creative and innovative
  • respectful, self-motivated
  • share our Christian faith
  • good at conveying your vision to others and inspiring them to become invested in it
  • using your talent for deep dive research, and your ability to write compelling content, and using your time management skills, you will write cogent proposals and help us to access available government and private grants that have been established for and intended to help support ministries like ours.
  • By doing so, you will be helping to fund our ministry efforts, thereby increasing our scope and impact in our drive to reduce the suffering and incidence of poverty in Third World Nations.

There are many government and private grants that have been set up to help ministries just like ours to do the work we are passionate to do. But to find and apply for these is a very time consuming task.  

We are looking for someone who is willing to dedicate themselves to this task so that it frees up Evangelist Nicole to continue focusing on the ministry work and ministry building that God as called her to do.

You become one of our essential team. And we need you. 

For more information, please contact: 

Ev. Nicole Barron


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